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    Left Dead Coloring Pages

    [ song: mitch murder - lit ] (earrape intensifies) how's it going bros? this is peeewdiepie *omg pewds, you're back!* (flashbacks of vietnam war) i found this website. i- i think you may have heard about it i'm standing like this because if i turn it up you can see the ceiling but then you see my-

    i need flatter hair. i think that's the problem here this hair... *remembers all the bad haircuts he ever had* there's a website called fiverr where you basically can ask anyone, for anything. for 5 dollars. now i heard about this website long ago basically people design your logotype for 5 bucks, y'know if you're just a freelancing designer..

    you wanna make 5 bucks?shit out a logo you know and people will pay you for it it's the kind of thing that- it's the kind of job that, literally, it takes 0 skill but people have less than 0 skill so they will pay 5 bucks for you to do that and i know what you're thinking; "oh pewds you're making fun of graphics artists" no, no no, no, no! you can find templates. "hey look, i want a website, design it, i want-"

    oh that's pretty cool. basically all you do is hit up that devianart. you download what someone else did open that shit in photoshop and bam! you can now charge people five bucks on fiverr *high quality sound effect of phone ringing* wha? what's that? jacksepticeye? you need a new logo? oh, i got you.

    *intense photoshop creating* done! wow! but anyway, fiverr now has decided that this kind of work, is not enough they need more! so they've expanded into pretty much, fucking everything. it was a huh, blessfull moment, when i discovered this, oh you might seen- see these on facebook aswell "cartoon yourself, [shouts] 10 bucks!!"

    [shouts] tennn buuckss!! dude that's pretty fucking cool 10 bucks and your profile picture will fucking look so fucking good. i think that's gotta be one of the top sellers. now as mentioned you can go into fucking "digital marketing" "writing & translation" video animation "music & audio" "programming & tech"

    "advertising" and then... we have the low of the low. the scrapping of the bottom. "fun & lifestyle" and let me tell you, it was a blessfull moment when i discovered "fun & lifestyle" because it's basically just become " i'll do pretty much anything you want for five bucks" they even have a category called "celebrity impressions" but my favourite is "your message on..."

    where these guys, for example, will paint your message on my body and dance in the jungle "exclusive on fiverr for 5 dollars" first of all that's a shitty-ass jungle, is that even a jungle? i mean, sweden looks like that. they do all kinds of shit. "hey you want a depressing happy birthday song? in the jungle?" (oh) in the water? *flashbacks to bad birthdays* you can pay extra for;

    "color print", "hand drawn", "1080p", that's gotta be 8 pounds extra, or "use your own idea", 15 pounds. great. we can have jesus deliver a birthday message [choir] jesuuuuusssss [choir still singing in the background]jesus; "hello, it's me" (i was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet) [laughs] what the fuck? we can have donald trump call whoever you want. @realdonaldtrump; "this is donald j. trump, how are you?. now listen, we gotta talk turkey, excuse me, we gotta talk turkey" [laughs]

    woah woah, what the fuck? "i will finish any mathlab webassign task" you can literally cheat at school*mindblown* mathlab, was the fucking worst thing i have ever studied in my life. itâ´s basically programming, math curves i think mathlab is what made me want to quit college. i was like; "this is not worth it" fucking hated mathlab! alright, we'll start with her, order now

    yeh i'll paypal "program a graph that looks like a dick" [more loading] done! [laughs] when do we get hit? 4 days!?? ah shit alright i'll do a couple (...) well i definitely has to- have to order this one. listen, alright, before everyone starts judging me: they get paid, they wanna do this so don't be all like; "oh pewdiepie has money so he makes other people do weird shit"

    alright? i'm sure they are more than happy by the fact that i'm helping their business. i am supporting businesses right now, okay? here we go. "sign to be hold" "death to all j- "tell us how to pronounce your given message" sub scruibe

    2 keeeeeem staaaaar let's have jesus order something! "jesus, up in heaven" okay, alright we can get the basic standard, or premium i think i'll go, with "basic"

    i want jesus to say *what star wars sounds like in heaven* deliver this message; like a dick wow, wow, wow!! "i will do any crazy and bizarre challenge you want" "drink bleach" [laughter] "i will play hearthstone with you 3 times" "we can play and chat during the game!"

    "i love playing heartstone and it's even better when i get paye- i mean, even better to play with someone" that's it. yeh, obviously, i'm gonna have to, i'm gonna have to go with this one. [laughs] "hi, can we play roblox instead?" "i will teach you to sing in hebrew for fun" huh, alright, that sounds fun "what would you like to sing about?" "i wanna sing good" i will make you look sexier on your pictures [laughs]

    hell yeah!! i need that one! jesus christ dude, that's like a different person. okay "please enhance my body" alright, i would love to spend my money on this place all day, but i think that's it for now. so let's wait a couple days and see what happens [elevator music]*a few days later* *time travel* alright there! [takes a loud sip of his drink] *bonk*

    it's been a few days all the fiverr stuff should be now finished i am really excited to see if they delivered oh no, okay. "thank you for your interest in my gig""-when you order you should send questions attached in a file" but i... i wrote it down [sad music] "remember that if you will use abusive language than will be forward to support team where we can learn how to-" write proper grammar (#roasted) what's wrong with making a graph that looks like a dick?

    well look, right you know what i bet i can just google it, i don't need fucking mathlab. there you go. alright, hopefully someone else delivered. socialchrist delivered, thank god payed 8 bucks for this. "hi this is jesus, and i just wanted to say, subscribe to my favourite channel on youtube;jack spedicy 2" [lol] how did you fuck that up?! i never heard some- "jack spedicy"

    "pronunciations are your responsibility, make sure i understand them. please!" well i didn't know you were a illiterate bastard jesus. jesus christ! (literally) "jack spedicy 2. i love jack spedicy 2 more than pewdiepie" "bless be with you" "jesus out" *realistic smokebomb* i asked him to do a smokebomb [laughs] fiverr. this is the best! "jack spedi- jack spedicy"

    jesus; "jack spedicy 2. [echo] i love jack spedicy more than pewdiepie jack spedicy, you heard it here it here first folks, jack spidicy top of the morning to you laddies! my name is jack spidicy alright, well i'm leaving a big fat tip on this one, this is amazing, wow! i asked to photoshop myself to look sexy. (impossible) "i just uploaded a temporary file to stop my timer because i donâ´t want to have any late deliveries" (triggered pewds) well try and deliver next time! what the fuck is this? i want my money back!

    "teach how to pray and sing in hebrew" "hello and today we are going to- " "that one says it in your english right? and just ehm, to see whats the significance of each word. so first of all ale'l (sorry i dont speak hebrew lol) "..wonderful word- " okay well that was a fucking waste of time money and time, jesus. can someone please deliver? manto211 "play heartstone with you 3 times" "hi can we play roblox instead?" "hello, no sorry just hearthstone" well then learn to play good games

    "l2 pley gud games, nerd" got em' what is this? jack spedekticeye is the best thing i got. funnyguys.. please! deliver! the fuck is this? i payed for this? what? what's with the christma- i like the editing

    *at this moment, pewds knew, he fucked up.* *trying to hide a smile from triggered sjws* ♥subscribe to keemstar♥ bitch wouldn't play roblox with me but these guys wrote.. i am sorry, i didn't think they would actually do it, i feel partially responsible but just- i didn't think they would actually do it... i mean i got to give them 5 stars for an outstanding experience, because atleast they did what i asked. well, that has been fiverr... what an experience wow!

    i didn't expect that let me know if i should do more of these leave a like i guess i don't feel good, i don't feel too proud of this i'm not gonna lie, like i'm not anti-semitic or whatever it's called, so don't get the wrong idea. it was a funny meme, and i didn't think it would work, ok? you can't hold me- the verge! please! stop! stop no! i swear! i love jews! i love em'. *quality music* check out this video, it's similar to this one, i guess

    if you watch another video you support me on what i do, so i appreciate that. thank you. i am so sorry. i am just sorry. i don't know what else to say. *high quality outtro*



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