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    Fallout Coloring Pages

    ro: hey guys, it’s ro! welcome to anothernerdy nummies! ro: today i have a very special guest, it’smarkiplier! mark: hello, i’m markiplier, also knownas mark, because that’s my name! ro: mark and i just played the urban dictionarychallenge on his channel… mark: yes. ro: so i’ll put a link down belowto that, and i’m a huge fan, ro: so i’m gonna put all of his links, sogo check him out, he’s really cool! ro: i got so many requests from you guys tomake something ro: five nights at freddy’s themed, and,with mark. mark: yes, because i play five nights at freddy’sway too much! and i need

    mark: to do something else with my life, soi came here to do cooking, mark: and it still followed me…. so, good! ro: a-ha, sorry! ro: so today, we are gonna be making chica’scupcake, but with a twist…. mark: it’s huge! ro: it’s big! mark: it’sthis big! mark: actually it’s more like this big because…ro: yeah it’s that big. mark: like that big… both: let’s get started! mark: was that good? ro: yeah that was reallygood!

    ro: yeahhhhh! mark: perfect timing… woo-woo-woo! ro: ready to get it started! ro: to make our giant cupcake cake, we are….mark: oh i thought we were… mark: i was still ready to go! mark: continue please! ro: i like this attitude! mark: i’m just gonna keep doing this. ro: to make our giant cupcake, we are gonnabe making a chocolate cake recipe, ro: the recipe that i am making righthere is a double batch, so just ro: note that all of these ingredients havebeen doubled because ro: this is a very large cake pan.

    ro: the things you’re gonna need, will be:3 cups of sugar, 4 eggs, ro: 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of bakingpowder, 2 teaspoons of salt, ro: 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoonof vanilla extract, 3-3/4 cup of flour, ro: 1 cup of oil, and 2 cups of cocoa powder,you will also need… mark: 2 cups of water and 2 cups of milk.and this pan, that’s big. ro: now… both: let’s put it all together! ro: dee-na-nee-nee na-na—nee-nee-nee! mark: i don’t know what i’m doing! mark: help!

    mark: i can’t stop! ro: the first thing that we’re gonna do ismix together all of our dry ingredients ro: into a large mixing bowl. and mark isgonna be mixing up, will you do ro: that for me? mark: absolutely yes. ro: ok, you get that whisk ready and firsti’m gonna add the flour. ro: then your sugar. ooooh…. mark: the keyto an even whisk…. ro: this is my favorite! mark: oh. ro: chocolate. mark: don’t worry i didn’t have any adviceto give anyway. ro: oh sorry! what’s the key? what’s thekey… oh i’m sorry!

    mark: good god! mark: the key to a good whisk… ro: mmmhmmm. mark: is putting your whole body into themixing. in case you didn’t know. mark: no not like that! not at all like that!ro: how!? mark: just, kind of a little shimmy. ro: baking powder, salt, baking soda! ro: now in this smaller bowl, we are gonnacombine all of our wet ingredients. ro: so, i’m going to pour in first our water,mark, will you mix again? mark: absolutely yes! ro: you’re super goodat it!

    mark: and the most important thing is don’tget any of the dry stuff in mark: your wet stuff! mark: you gotta make sure it’s clean! ro: do you want to do a quad egg crack withme? mark: i could try… mark: 3… both: 2, 1… ro: crack, and atwist! mark: oh no! oh no! ro: uh-oh! mark: oh no!ro: uh-oh! mark: we gotta whisk it! ro: yep! then you’regonna whisk together until ro: everything is well combined. mark: alright, now that they’re both mixed…real good!

    mark: i’m gonna pour the wet stuff into thedry mix and then we’re gonna mark: mix it some more. ro: mmmhmm. mark: and try not to destroy this entire kitchen!but… no promises here! ro: you’re just gonna whisk together untileverything is well combined and smooth. mark: oh god no! ro: keep going, keep going, keep going, keepgoing!! mark: i’m going as fast as i can! mark: i’m really mixing it! ro: oh shoot! ro: oh my gosh!

    mark: harmpgherdsd! mark: i’m doing… this is for rotationalenergy! mark: counter balance, it makes sense scientifically! mark: hagh-hagh-hagh…. hremppphh! ro: i’m gonna make a mixing award, becauseyou just won it! mark: thank you… is it that star over there?ro: yeah! mark: cool! i will take that. ro: yeah, that’sit, that’s it! ro: here you go mark. mark: thank you. ro:this is being for the best mixer. ro: i’ll take over.

    mark: thank you…. no! back off! ro: ok, ok…. mark: i got it, take your spoon! mark: hermppph! ro: now that mark has mixed up our batter,it smells delicious… best cake mixer! mark: thank you, i was trying to beat themachine. mark: so we need to heavily grease, that introducessome non-stuff, mark: to grease it up. ro: yep, yeah! mark: because you want it to… oh man! ro:yep! mark: you want it to slide out pretty easily…i was told heavy! ro: yeah heavy!

    mark: they didn’t say how heavy… ro: that’spretty heavy! mark: but as with anything taht markiplier does.ro: yeah. mark: i don’t go halfway. mark: i feel a little light headed! ro: so in the first part, the base of thecupcake, we’re gonna fill it ro: about 80% full. ro: just eyeball it, that’s what i liketo do. mark: that’s a lot of grease! ro: that was… too much grease! mark: why did you let me do anything!?!?!ro: oopsies!

    ro: then into the top of our cupcake cake,i’m gonna fill it about to here, ro: which i think is about 75% full. mark: yeahhhh. ro: yeahhsshhhh! mark: so now that it’s in the molds. ro:mmmmhmmm. mark: you’re gonna preheat your oven to325 degrees, and this is gonna be mark: a slow bake. ro: yeah! mark: for aboutan hour and fifteen minutes mark: to an hour and a half. ro: our cake is in the oven baking, and nowwe are gonna make some decorations ro: using fondant. we’re gonna be makingthe cupcake’s eyes, and

    ro: the little candle! we’re gonna be makingthe cupcake that looks ro: like the cupcake from five nights at freddy’s2. ro: so if you haven’t worked with fondantbefore, it’s very easy, ro: it reminds me of edible play-doh, verycondensed sugar. ro: we take a little bit of cornstarch orpowdered sugar, whatever you like. ro: i just sprinkle a little bit down on thesurface, make little circles. mark: this is so it doesn’t stick right?ro: yeah! ro: and then with each of these, we’re gonnaflatten, first using your hands, ro: i like to do this first.

    mark: ow! ro: oh that’s pretty good, here.mark: ow! ro: and then once you’ve got. mark: i’malready flat. ro: wow! i’m like, really impressed! mark: i did it! ro: you can use a rolling pin, or if you havea mark at home you can have ro: him just punch the thing flat. mark: or if you’restupid, you can just mark: punch it into submission! ro: now we are gonna assemble the little eyeballs. ro: here i have different cookie cutters,we have, the largest circle, ro: a medium and a small. and then, i didn’thave a cookie cutter

    ro: this small, so i’m just using the endof a tip, a little frosting tip. ro: and we’re gonna cut the circles justlike this, we’re gonna need 2 ro: sets, 2 blue, 2 black, 2 white. then we’regonna take the end of the tip, ro: cut out 2 very small circles. ro now we’re gonna assemble our eyeballs,we have a little baking paintbrush, ro: little bit of water, and the water willact as an adhesive. mark: can we make the eyes go in differentdirections? mark: really derpy style? ro: yeah you can dothat! mark: now that we made our really good, pristinely,well crafted, amazing

    mark: eyeballs… ro: mmmhmm. mark: we’regonna make the candle on top. mark: and it’s gonna be fully functional! ro: in five nights at freddy’s 2, the candleis blue and white, and i couldn’t ro: find one online, so what i did is i justgot a little white candle, ro: and then we’re gonna roll it in fondantso that it will be the exact ro: color from the video game. mark: it’snot rolling! ro: uh-oh! mark! what are you doing to yoursnake!?!? mark: i’m trying to… it’s won’t roll! ro: ok, take your little fondant and you’regonna roll it into a snake.

    mark: why do i have so much more than you!?ro: i… you have a lot! mark: you set me up to fail from the get-go!ro: no! mark: now it’s all broken apart, it’sin tatters, just like my life! mark: it’s reminding me of everything elsei’ve failed at! mark: there we go, i just had a, i had a momentof weakness, i’m sorry! mark: i’m better now! ro: now you’re gonna take your candle, andyour 2 pieces of fondant, and ro: we’re just gonna wrap it, starting atthe top, going all the way down. mark: there we go! is this what success feelslike?

    ro: yeah! mark: oh wow! this feels great! mark: oh man! ro: that’s it you guys! mark:i’m so happy! ro: da-dew! mark: ok, so the cakes are out of the oven.ro: mmmhmmm. mark: they look great, i have no idea whatto do from here! ro: they’ve baked, we’ve given them plentyof time to cool, you don’t ro: want to burn yourself. now we are goingto level them. ro: if you’ve added a lot of cake batterand your cake is, say, about this tall, ro: that’s ok! because we’re gonna levelit in the pan. ro: you’re gonna take a sharp cutting knife.so you just doo-doo-doo-doo!

    ro: give it a little level. and, it can be a little snack.this is so good! mark: may, may i? ro: yeah! mmm! mmmm! mmmmm! ro: hmmm-hmmm-mmmmm! ha-hmmm-mmm-mmm-mmm! ro: just a second! ro: put your little hands there, ready? ready? catch‘em, catch ‘em! mark: both of them? i didn’t know i wassupposed to do both! ro: catch ‘em! ro: i’m gonna have you level it. mark: ohno! ro: straight down, be careful, don’t getyour fingers. ro: and just go back and forth, like a saw.

    mark: i cut off too much! ro: that’sok! mark: aw! ro: we’ll just frost it! mark: like most things in your life, replaceyour mistakes with frosting! mark: there we go! ro: ta-da! ro: now we’re gonna do a little bit of cakecarving, just a little bit! ro: just cut off the top, because the cupcakeon five nights at freddy’s ro: is a little bit more round. ro: so we’re just gonna cut off the dome. ro: that's a snack! mark: can i have this! ro: oooh, yeah!

    ro: mmmm! mark: mmmmm! mark: this is a mistake! mark: ….. ok! mark: ok, now we got the cake on this weirdtable thingy! ro: mmmhmmm. mark: and we’re gonna do the thing withthe frosting thing. ro: so here, i’ve got some buttercream frosting,we’ve dyed brown with a ro: little bit of chocolate brown food coloringdye. mark: mmmhmmm. ro: and now we’re just gonna cover the wholebase. mark: there we go, nice!

    ro: and then this, you bring all of the excess,down to the sides. mark: oh, that would be smart. ro: on the sides you can take your littlespatula, gently push up, and ro: it will make lines, just like the cupcake. ro: now we’re gonna put on the top of thecake, i just put a little bit of ro: pink frosting so that they will sticktogether easily. ro: now we’re gonna frost the top of thecake, we’re gonna frost it all pink. ro: i like to start at the base, like this,and just work your way around. ro: and, you know what i was thinking, youcan also use these to do face art.

    ro: wait, can you give me a pink mustache?please!?!? mark: oh because it’s my thing i do, yeahi can do that! ro: yes! ro: pretend i am a cake, and decorate me withlittle…. mark: you saw what i did with the last cake! mark: how am i gonna do it with your face?ro: ok, don’t pretend i’m a cake! ro: can you do a little curly at the end too?mark: yeah, i’ll do my best. mark: it’s coming out ok. there we go! idid it! ro: is it good!?!?! mark: yeah! ro: oh my gosh, yes! mark: it’s surprisingly acceptable!

    ro: can i give you one? mark: you can try! ro: oh my gosh! mark: you can like, douseit in my actual mustache hairs. ro: i’m so excited! oh my gosh, this looksamazing! mark: does it!? ro: yes! mark: i believe you! ro: oh my gosh you guys! look at us! mark: this is adorable! ro: for a little bit of design detail, i’mgonna be making a wave, wooooo! ro: all along the bottom, so that it lookslike the cupcake from the game. ro: this part is totally optional, you don’t haveto do it, but i want it to

    ro: look so cute! mark: do it!!! ro: fill it in with frosting and then useyour spatulas to smooth it out! mark: one of my biggest regrets in my life,just because we’re getting mark: it all out here. ro: yeah. mark: what are you guys laughing at backthere? ro: what’s so funny? mark: is it me?!?! ro: what’s so funny!?!?mark: is it my mustache? ro: where? where? ro: oh, oh! mark: hey don’t make fun! i’m tellinga very personal story and you’re

    mark: laughing at me, it’s not ok! anyway... mark: now it’s all frosted, now it’s allsmooth! mark: now we just need the last step whichis to put on the decorations mark: which we’ve got right here. ro: mmmhmmm,that’s right. mark: we made them! ro: we’re gonna stick on the 2 little eyeballson the cake, wherever you’d like. mark: eyeballs, they look good, as the laststep, to finalize this incredible mark: creation that we have created here,today, the candle on top! ro: yep! mark: this is the only thing that they wouldtrust me with because i mark: screwed up everything else…. boink!

    both: ta-da! ro: here’s the five nights at freddy’sgiant cupcake that we made today! ro: a big thank you to mark for helping mebake today! mark: you’re welcome! i did an amazing job! mark: as everyone can see and everyone sawin the video i didn’t make mark: a single mistake and didn’t reveal…reveal a single flaw about mark: my own personality! ro: look at this you guys! mark: look at me! ro: baking bombshell! i love it! ro: to see more of this handsome face, clickdown below, i’ve got his

    ro: links down there, and… mark: just one! ro: i’ll be posting lots of pictures ofthis little cake on facebook, ro: twitter, instagram and tumblr! and ifyou guys make this cake, ro: please take a picture and send it to me,i love seeing your baking creations. ro: i get a big kick out of it, it makes myday! ro: and, if you have any other ideas for anyother nerdy nummies… ro: please let me know, leave me a commentdown below and i will do my ro: best to make it happen! ro: thanks again you guys, bye-bye! mark:bye!

    ro: mark, it’s so spooky in here… mark:is it? ro: let’s light this candle. mark: oh ok.ro: oh yeah! mark: yay! ro: ooooh! look at that! mark: oooooh! mark: it works, see! ro: are you gonna make a birthday wish? mark: i was gonna eat it. ro: oh ok! mark:kids, don’t eat a candle. ro: ok, i’m gonna make a wish…. hawwwwppp! ro: are you making a wish? mark: why wouldi make a wish? it’s not my birthday. ro: you can only make a wish on your birthday?

    mark: well that’s the only time it wouldcome true, otherwise what’s the point!? ro: oh forget it!



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