welcome to the elfquest collector's guide, showcasing a different collectible or unboxing video in every episode. i'm your pack leader for this hunt, mandy roncalio-meyer, or as i'm known around the elfquest web-world as my elf-self, shadowfire! today we're gonna be unboxing a ton of redbubble stuff! so guys i just put in my biggest redbubble order ever!
i'm not going to even mention how much i spent. i'm a little ashamed that i spent that much this close to christmas, but when i saw that they had put up all of the designs that-that they've had available throughout the year, i had to get a few more things that i had missed out. so here we are! i'm going to start unboxing, guys, because gonna take a
little bit so we might as well dig right in! also, i wanted to say that at the end of this video, i will be announcing the three winners for my giveaway for a free issue of final quest number 16! so if you were in on that contest make sure you pay attention until the end and i'll let you know if you won or not! all right back to the unboxing!
ok, so, obviously once again, i know exactly what i ordered so i'm very excited to see this stuff, because this is all stuff i've been wanting, kinda treated myself to a little early christmas this year... but... ok, so this first item, i've been needing and wanting, because i like to drink a lot of coffee, and i didn't have a nice travel mug... so now i have a nice travel mug with my favorite
pack leader, cutter, on it and the redbubble sticker! as always, they always come with a sticker. i actually have this one already! and--that-- i'll bring this up closer to the camera so you guys can see my new cup... kind of dark downstairs, sorry guys! as you can see, i'm also filming downstairs. i figured it was a little more festive with my christmas tree. so, sorry if it's
a little dark, i'll work on lighting down here for future videos. so there's the awesome travel coffee, or tea, mug! i can't wait to use it! oops i got it-got the lid on crooked... there we go. can't wait to use this! i'm probably even going to wash it and use it as soon as i'm done recording this video! so i'm excited about this one! it
goes with my big stein that i use for coffee when i'm at home but now i have my travel mug! okay moving right along, now these two packages are going to be pretty much the same. sorry about that guys! i'll get that in a minute... but so these two packages are going to be pretty much the same because i like to collect the stickers
with every design, and so what these are, are a couple of the designs that i had missed out on with stickers, as well as the new nightfall design stickers. so... first of all, redbubble sticker! as always, they always give a redbubble sticker! i don't think i have that one! but these are medium-sized stickers so if anyone's interested
this is what the medium-sized looks like. ...get down to the camera view... this is what the medium-sized--it--looks like and that's distressed nightfall, and the un-distressed nightfall... i try to get a sticker of both, as well as i got a sticker of true peace, i love that image! and darkwoods cutter! so there's the medium-sized stickers. i'll
go unbox the small size sticker, so you guys can get a little bit of a size comparison. 'cause i know it's sometimes hard to tell, on redbubble, how big these are. so, let's open up the small stickers! is there is a pull-tab? there is a pull-tab! rrraah! *hums random tune* oh, yup and there's a redbubble sticker in there...
oh a little sloth! awwwwww! cute! i don't think i have that one... so that goes into my redbubble sticker collection! yes, i collect all these stickers that redbubble sends me... okay and then here is the small size stickers! let me pull it up close... the small ones. it's a little dark back here, sorry guys...
but... so for size comparison... there you guys go... ok so these are the very very smallest size stickers that they offer on redbubble. these ones are the medium-sized. i think the medium size is big enough, that i never order the large size. i'm a little, like... anxious to see how big the
the large size is, compared to these two because these are some good-sized stickers! so if you guys are looking for elfquest stickers, go to redbubble! get them! they give you discounts on sme--small small stickers! the more small stickers you order, the bigger the discount! so make sure you go get some stickers, guys! these are pretty awesome! i can't wait to
get a sticker book together with all of them! all right moving right along... this... should be... one or two... it's two, new shirts! *squeel-gasps* as you guys can tell, i love my elfquest shirts! i don't know if you've noticed, but i wear a different one in every episode! so now, i've got two more to add to my stack! two more that i can show off! ah-ha, i have this sticker as well! so i'm
starting to get doubles on redburbur-bubble stickers... does that mean i order too much from redbubble? no, i think i order just enough! ok, but here's my new-- my new shirts! yaayy first one... oh, pretty! *rolls her r's* verrry prrretty... nightfall!
there we go that's the newest design, available right now on redbubble! nightfall and her wolf! it is available in this nice shiny version or as you can see on the stickers, there is a slightly distressed version of the image, that you can also get on shirts! so here's the distressed image, here's the regular nice and smooth new
one. you can get either one on these shirts. so, get some shirts, guys! they're awesome! so there is my nightfall shirt... and i found a sticker that loves me! "it's not you, it's the shirt..." ok... same to ya, redbubble! ok, but anyway, so there is my new nightfall shirt,
i can't wait to wear this and show it off in one of my videos... and i also got myself... i'm excited about this one... 'cause it's my favorite chief, and it's my favorite color... it is... darkwoods cutter on a purple t-shirt! purple is my favorite color, if you guys haven't noticed, and i absolutely love cutter! so this is probably going to become one
of my favorite t-shirts... you might see this one in a couple of videos guys, when i go to do my show cases, because this is pretty!! it's a beautiful purple, it's a nice printing of cutter on there! beautiful bright red letters that say elfquest! i love it!! this is going to be my new favorite shirt! ok guys! last, big package!
alright guys... so, you remember, in one of my other redbubble unboxing videos, that i had some trouble with a certain throw pillow... well, i must be a glutton for punishment, because i ordered three more!! so, i think i figured out a trick... i hope i can get these into-- the pillows into the cases faster than i did before, with as little
trouble as i can get... but we'll see how it goes... alright... ruuuuhhhhh!!! hur-ruuhhhh! 'scuse me! raaahhh!! neerr-rraaahhh!! whew! this is exciting! lots of pillows everywhere! whew!
stuff everywhere!! ah! no! it all wants to fall away! let's put this one down... we'll get to that one in a second. let's do this one-at-a-time... alright... we'll put that one down too... let's do this one... do this one first... okay, so... i now have a pillow with every design? almost every design that they've had on redbubble. because i'm also collecting the pillows!
so this one is a design that they had available at the beginning of this year, and it was a limited time only design... but they brought it back just for the end of the year! and that's one-eye and clearbrook, guys! i have a t-shirt with this, i have a poster with this, of course i have the stickers with this, but when i put that
order in, i didn't have the money to get a pillow. now that they brought the designs back i was super excited, because i could catch-up on my pillows again! *strained voice* let's see if i can get this in without too much trouble... ok... it's open, the tag is tucked-in, now, the tricky part...
let's see if i can do this without too much hassle... and i've got two more to do after this! so... let's see how it goes. now this-- this was the fun part, i remember because they vacuum seal it. as i said before they vacuum seal these bags, so that the pillows are nice and flat! and as soon as you start to cut it open, it starts to suck in air. so i'm going to try to do
this quick before the pillow gets too much air in it... i want to try not to fluff the pillow too much, before i get it in the case... this is still going to be trouble, i know it... so, i think they might have sent me too big of a pillow, but we'll--we'll see... let's--let's see how much trouble i have with this pillowcase... *sniffs, then hums random tune*
once again, it keeps coming out! i will win this battle! so you are my pillow! ok, there we go... annnnd.... the final zip! there we go! ha haa!! another new pillow for me! awesome!
i love these pillows! i just love pillows... i love throw pillows and especially elfquest throw pillows! ok, so there's pillow number one! moving right along... *sighs* pillow number two! ok, so this one, guys, is the new design! this one is of nightfall and her wolf. i believe her wolf is woodshaver...
don't--don't strangle me if i'm wrong on that though, guys... huurrr-rah! rreeehh! reehh... shouldn't have put the scissors down yet... uhhh, there... ok, so there is the gorgeous pillowcase. now, um... they did have it available in the distressed, worn look,
and they also have it available in the newer fresh look. i went ahead and got the worn look, because... um... for one thing the image didn't look quite as good for the...un-messed-up one... the un... uh, washed off one, so i went ahead and ordered this one. i figured that was a good mix because now i have the t-shirt with the new design, and i have a pillow with the "worn" design, so...
all right, *laughs* here we go! pillow number two into the case! let's see how long this one takes me! i'll get the hang of this eventually guys! and... oh-no! it's sucking in air! *frantic* it's becoming a pillow! not yet! you're not supposed to be a pillow yet! you're supposed to be flat! nooo!!
well, nuttin' for it. it filled with air... aaannnnddd... the nifty pillow case... i think that might have changed the pillowcases just a little bit from before, because they look like a little bit different... like, for one thing, i'm pretty sure the zipper was in the center of the pillows before and now it's off to one
side... don't know if that makes things easier or not, but pretty sure that's different than it was before when i got my other pillows so did i figure out a trick or did i not figure out a trick? i don't think i figured out a trick... i think i thought i figured out a trick, and i think i was wrong... i think i fooled myself
there's no trick to this... you just gotta wrestle! rraaaaahhhh!! *sniffles* there's no trick, to the pillow stuffing... it's just a wrestling match! the whole time! you gotta-- you gotta get on it, and you just gotta say, "get in that pillowcase! you are my pillow! you must get in the pillowcase!! where i tell you to go!!"
then it says, "no! i don't want to get in the pillowcase where you tell me to go! i don't want to go in there! i don't want to! i don't want to..." "go in the pillowcase where you're supposed to go!" *whispers* it's not listening, guys... hey redbubble, if you're watching, make your pillowcases easier to get the pillows in, because i can't do thiiiiiissss!! rraaaahhhh!
huuurrrrrr-va-da-va-da-vahhh!! i'm gettin' it... i think... i got three corners tucked in there now, the question is: can i get my hand out of here, without pulling the pillow out with it? i don't know! oh apparently, i can! and another trick to these pillows is getting the pillow in there straight!
heh-ha! that doesn't look straight... i--i--i think something went wrong in this pillow ha! ok... alright! there's the nightfall pillow! very nice! so now we have... we have part of the tribe! we have multiple tribemates with us now! we can hug them, and hang out with them! ta-daaahh!!
alright guys, and... last pillow! one more! sha-boom! scissors... don't cut da pillow... and, alright, so, the last pillow i got, has good old chieftess ember on it! going, "hiiiyaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" that's from one of the covers of final quest, in case you're wondering. i love this image of ember!
i love-- the shade of green they chose for it, is a very nice shade! this--this pillowcase seems very festive for this time of year. between the red hair and green pillow case seems very, very holidays-like, very christmas-like. so, alright guys... *breathes heavily* last battle! i can do this!! i can get this pillow in! root me on, guys!
give me encouragement! i need it! this is going to be war!! calmly the battle begins... don't all battles start calmly? no... no they do not... well *scissors/cutting sound effect* whew, whew, whew... the last warrior is on the battlefield! i'm drawing my weapon, i'm ready to fight!
it's a calm battle... i think this is a two-person job... i think they must have designed these pillows so that two people had to do this! like, one person hold the pillowcase and another person stuff the pillow inside! the only way i can see this being easy! because *big breath-out* this is a work-out, guys! i'm getting all hot and sweaty
just from stuffing pillows in pillowcases! geez! glad i'm not, like a maid or something, for my job! that would not be fun... eh, eh... annnnd... uuhh! tuck in... the rest of the inside... so the
pillow looks nice... and completed... and there we go! that one actually did go in the--the case the easiest, so there you go guys! chieftess ember on her own pillow! on my own pillow of her! so now i have three pillows... hur-ah! i actually have a total of five elfquest throw pillows now, guys!
*muffled as she covers her microphone unwittingly* i have ember, i have one-eye and clearbrook, i have nightfall and woodshaver, and then, upstairs i have the hidden ones, which i guess we now know them as the rootless ones, and i also have darkwoods cutter on a pillow! so i have five throw pillows, guys! yeeeaaahhh!!! alright so, i'm sure you guys are done
with watching me unbox my own stuff. i'm sure it was exciting, but you're probably a little bit more excited for... the giveaway! names in a hat! alright guys so, if you commented on my last video that you wanted to win one of my copies of the final quest 16, i don't have them sitting right here with me they're upstairs, but if you wanted to win one,
i put your name in this hat! see, you can see... i don't know, you might be able to see the names in the hat... there's some names in there... there are! there really are! not many but there are! this is gonna be fun! okay! you ready? ok guys, so! first winner for an issue a final quest number 16... free-of-charge from me...
is... these are all bent... i--i--i cut these all the same size and folded them all the same way, guys, so... no idea who i just pulled... let's find out i pulled out... marco v.b.!! marco, congratulations!! there you go, kind of in my light... there we go, marco v.b.!! woohooo!!
congratulations, marco!! you won the first copy!! go ahead and let me know your mailing address in any form that you can and i'll ship that to you!! alright! name number two... who's it gonna be? whoooooo's it gonna be?? *gruffer, crazy voice* whhhoooooooo's it gonna be?? it's going to be...
thhhhhat one! see who it is... the second winner is... christina s.! congratulations, christina! you are the second winner! you have won a copy of final quest number 16 for yourself! let me know your mailing address somehow and i will ship that to you, free-of-charge!
last, but not least, we have one more winner to go! one more winner to choose! who's it going to be, out of my purple fedora? alright, that's probably shaken enough... ready?? here we go! who's it gonna be? who's it gonna be?? it's gonna be... it's gonna beeeee... three... two...
one... that one! last one! let's see who this last winner is... the last winner is... amber p.!! congratulations, amber! you've won your very own issue of final quest number 16, free-of-charge from me! go ahead and give me your mailing address!
you guys that have won can either leave it on facebook in a private message, you can send it to me on youtube, any form that you can think of to send me your name, get me your name and your mailing address and i will ship you guys' comics out! so, here are the three winners once again! *sighs* see if i can hold them so you guys can
read them... we have marco, christina, and amber!! congratulations you three!! make sure you--i get those mailing addresses and i'll make sure you guys get your issues!! so, thanks for watching everybody! i hope you enjoyed the show! i hope you had fun with my giveaway and checking out all the cool stuff i just got! i hope you guys go toredbubble and check it out for yourself!
make sure that you watch for their codes! they had discu--discount codes almost daily! so, use the discount code if you put an order in! you'll save a lot of money and you'll be happier for it! so, i hope you guys enjoyed the show. thanks for watching, so much you guys! i'll see you in the next episode, alright? until next time, shade and sweet water, and happy hunting!
byyyyyyyeeeeee!!!!! i hope my mic worked okay...
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