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    Dragon Age Coloring Pages

    hi everyone! today i'm showing you my old art from at least10 years ago. these are drawings, paintings and sketchesi made at school on 7th, 8th and 9th grade and in high school. so i was 12 to 17 yearsold at the time. and the reason i want to show these, besidesto see my old art, is that some of these school assignments were actually kind of interesting. so, you even might get ideas for your ownart. in 7th grade we practiced calligraphy. and i liked so much, i actually got my owncalligraphy pens to practice at home, too.

    i don't really like the classroom settingfor making art. i don't like to have someone looking overmy shoulder or having to come up with an idea on the spot. i remember one of these assignments was todesign your own pokemon or some creature like that and i couldn't come up with anythingand this shape was actually my friend's idea. nowadays, i write or draw all my ideas ina sketchbook, so i never run out of ideas. but when you're given a specific topic andyou have to come up with an idea based on that right away, it's always difficult. we also designed ourselves an ex libris ora bookplate at school, which is basically

    a sticker with your name on it that put youinside books you own. we drew the design in a4 size and then theywere copied and shrunk down to the actual size. we also got pictures that we had to continueby painting or drawing. the one artwork i remember from junior highand was really proud of is this dragon. besides the final pencil drawing, i also madean ink version of it, probably with a dip pen. i don't have that one anymore, but i stillremember it. it was on the school wall at some point andi never got to take it home and i was really

    annoyed about that at the time. i felt really possessive over my drawingswhen i was younger. but i got over that with age. now it's fine to sell my originals or givethem away as presents. another interesting project from 8th gradethat i might even like to recreate one day is this where we went outside to draw leavesand flowers. then those drawings were copied and we cutthem up and arranged them into a self portrait and continued it by drawing over the collage. and then we chose a part of the collage tomake a bigger acrylic painting of.

    here are some sketches from the 9th grade. we didn't make many portraits at school andi was never taught face proportions or anything like that at school. but i really loved drawing portraits on myfree time and i'm actually making a separate video of my old portrait drawings. this portrait painting is about what's insideyour head or how you feel about yourself versus how others see you. the point of these watercolor paintings wasprobably to paint the same thing three times and adding more water and letting the colorsblend together.

    i think this is only some of the stuff i madein high school art classes, but it's all i could find. the last one is a self portrait with unusualcolors. i've also filmed other art tour videos. so, if you want to see my more recent paintings,i have a similar video of those, too. thanks for watching!



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