"previously on psycocinematics..." 'we charged in head first and currently, *proudly* are standing at over 18.700 strong!' 'it was yet another awesome month...' [fades out] huh-what's it!!? thanks to my ultra-cosmic levels of personified ninja perfection i have sensed something in the deep reachesof space. there has been a great change among the stars. darvo! what is it ninja?
excuse me?! that's *space ninja* to you, corpus-spawn. whatever. tell psyco to check his numbers, somethingbig is about to happen! [ static chirp sound effect ] greetings, tenno! not now, darvo. i don't want to buy any platinum today. or any day, for that matter.
but it's two percent offf--! [ clem ringtone plays ] hmm? message from clem? what's this about-- by space mom's tentacles! i have to tell cappin'! "to be continued at 50,00--" just kidding.
i actually *care* about my subscribers. well, legion! yall've done it! no need to even bring out the measurin' stickas ya broke the darn thing clean off it's hinges and way surpassed the goal already! twenty thousand. darn near twenty one thousand! your efforts and support are down right impressiveif not awe-inspiring. we've grown quite a lot already this yearand i'm excited to see what the coming months hold in store, but as yall know i always thankyou in these monthly updates so it'll be surprise
that i'm going to do that again, but truely,thank-you legion. you leave amazing comments, compliments, suggestions for tons of content, you even check in to make sure i'm not sick when i have to recordearly in the morning and sound like a frog. so for all that and a whole bunch more, thank-ya. you're the best legion a guy could ever have! but let's get on with the festivities! i promised yall a stream and giveaway session,and by golly we're gonna have one! i don't have a solid date set, but it's darnnear guaranteed to be during one of the upcoming weekends in september.
i'll put a video up to give ya a heads up,but if you can't make it i'm sure i'll pull some highlights outta it for ya on here. guess i'll be recap n reviewing my own streamwith that one haha again the games currently planned are gonnabe warframe, payday or payday 2, and as it is installing as i speak, rocket league! specifically the hockey mode, so don't forgetthe ice skates for your tires! about those giveaways, we've made some progresson the t-shirts, legion! for one, food coloring works on clothes ifyou're patient enough. however, it doesn't work so well when dunkingthem.
ended up with a weird pastel easter lookin'thing. good thing i bought extra shirts! still need to try one more technique, butwe did buying some actual clothes dye which'll likely do the trick. we'll save the reveal of the finished lookfor ya on stream. but as shipping costs are just beyond therealm of reality at this point, at least for anywhere except the us or canada, at least for me while the shirts are gonna be rather unique, i still wanted to have everyone get a chance at winnin' something, and digitial goods don'thave any shipping costs,
we've picked up a few 10 dollar steam cards for everyone across the pond! so no matter where ya hail from, or which of the seven seas ye be sailin' on, if you're the lucky winner we'll have something forya! now in related promissory news, i did pledgeto release a choose your own adventure game on youtube by the end of september. i'm happy to say i actually carved out enoughtime to fairly well round out the different endings, though they needs some tweaks still. there are about six main scenes that remainto be scripted, and while i know what style of art i'm aimin' for it now, it is stillgonna take a major investment of hours to
even have a chance to get completed beforeoctober. so at least for the coming weeks, this isthe planned schedule for content. monday's are gonna be warframe guides. this is the usual stuff i've been uploadin'forever and ever so no change there. wednesday's are gonna be let's plays. this too isn't changin', but i'm slightlynervous that the topic of choice is no man's sky and that seems to be the go-to hate magnetas of late. i'm still on my first planet and hunting downthe last animal before i take off, but i had an idea for a series that might or might notwork depending on my reaction to whatever
is the game breaker everyone else has runinto already. i kinda feel like wile e coyote right afterhe ran off a clifff. i know there's a problem, but until i seeit first hand, it doesn't exist. whether or not the game pleases me will determineif i'm able to grab onto the ledge and keep going, or i fall to the bottom and rage out. i dunno. but we'll all found out at the same time,i tell you hwat! kinda hoping i don't rage as i had a niftyidea, assuming the game is able to handle it without failin', of course.
but that'll be starting on wednesdays thiscoming month. friday's are the only real departure fromnormal. folks have requested more of the misses buti didn't want to stray too far from my normal content or, ya know. the youtube algorithm don't like that none. so for now, the plan is for the misses toactually play warframe... on console. tons of other warframe content creators havea pc and console account, so i figured the misses having her very own would be doublysafe to avoid getting dinged for account sharin' and what not.
this also opens the option of me migratingmy pc account to console should they ever actually offer that without wiping out herprocess... in the uh... process. so quick recap: mondays warframe guides, wednesdaysno man's shenanigans, and fridays psyco n misses play warframe. along side that we'll have a celebratory livestreamduring a weekend for yall bein' so awesome, which we'll let ya know when the time comes,and if all goes well there will be plenty time left in there to do the choose your ownadventure! right! so now i'm gonna do a test run of the missesco-op, say hello misses!
hello legion! there she be! so hopefully that'll all work out, save mea bit of time editing so i can fit even more stuff into the schedule, september's shapin' up to be quite a busymonth and you certainly made august a great one, so as always, thank-you for watching, thank-you for bein' awesome, and we'll catchyou next time, legion. take care! darvo: but it's two percent off!
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