kick up a chair and grab a slice ofpizza, because this theory hits the jackpot. hello, internet! welcome to game theory, a show i've shamelessly stolen from the devilishly handsome matpat. but, you know what i love more than matpat? devil may cry. sorry, matpat, but that dante... no, no, the other one. well, he keeps his mouth shut at least, but no, the other one. that's not even the same series!
there we go. this guy right here is, like, the coolest character ever! he's cocky, he's confident, but you canalways tell he actually has the power to back it up... ...and in no way comes off asinsecure and pathetic. ahe-ahem. but, you know what else makes dante so cool? hideki kamiya intentionally left much of the character's history and mystery... to make him cooler. but you know one thing that, to this day, we still don't know about dante? his age.
yeah, even today the series has never told us how old dante is, or even what year the games take place in. but, there are hints given in some of the games, developer interviews and a couple of fan theories... ...that will help us work out dante's rough age in each installment. sure, it may ruin some of the mystique of the character but come on, this is the internet and if the internet is good for one thing, it's ruining things. that... sounded a lot better in my head... moving on. but before we workout dante's age, we need to establish the chronological timeline for the series. yes, a game theory about working out atimeline. never seen that before... devil may cry series consists of five games, three novels, two comics, a manga, and an animated series.
so, we remove adaptations, the decanonised first novel and anything related to that god-awful reboot story... ...and then arrange those that remain into chronological order. we have the first game... the second game is a sequel. the second novel is a prequel to the second game. the third game is a prequel to the firstgame. the manga is a prequel to the third game. the fourth game falls between one and two. and the anime is set between one and four.
and you thought five nights at freddy'shad a convoluted timeline. but, much like the fnaf timeline, there is one other major event that occurs before any of the games, that is key to working everything out. the death of dante's mother when he was a child. hey, you get out of here, reboot story. you're not part of this. go on. shoo! ugh, like staring into a backed-uptoilet, indeed. and can i just ask, why was a reboot necessary? i mean, it's not like the series was doing poorly...
...or had been absent for a thousand years, like some other capcom franchises i could mention, but won't and will instead show you. i mean, did anyone really ask for this? let's ask a random person on the street and get his take on the reboot. "i never asked for this." and thatm loyal theorists, is what we call a pointless tangent. kinda describes the reboot as a whole, doesn't it? *rimshot, canned laughter* so anyway, with the chronological events mapped out, we're ready to start theorising. the first step is to gather anyavailable information from the canonical
stories themselves so let's start with devil may cry 3 whatdante says it's been nearly a year since we last met the meeting dante refers tois actually depicted in the manga pleasing devil may cry 3 1 yearafterwards next in the first game trish says you'rethe man who lost a mother and a brother to evil 20 years ago trish could very well be running or partdown to 20 as a rough number really plays into anywhere between 17 and 22poor since 22 number way given it really is just as likely to actually be 20years and the other number in that range
and around the 20th anniversary of hismother's death don't seem like the perfect time to senda demon modeled after her to manipulate him i'm inclined to believe trip to bespecific and it really has been 20 years since either died photos opening cutscene and dmc forspecial edition claims his village of the ton of fortuna takes place a fewdecades before the main game when exactly virtual visits it is unclearthough so we'll leave it aside for now and finally the novel's epilogue statesthat several months have passed since
yada yada yada before leading directlyinto the events of devil may cry right so so the novel in the game take placeseveral months apart possible within the same year and that's actually it forexplicit in story sources well there is one other ball well we'llget to that for now though let's look over oneparticular detail that is merely implied see in the manga there is a scene inwhich arkham tell started his twin brother virgil about a woman who wasmurdered by demons on the outskirts of town 10 years prior that seems like an oddly specific thingto include until you take a closer look
up to or the scenes first is a flashback/ hallucination virgil eyes which shows virgil as a child and oddly naked child thank you japan being attacked by demonsin a graveyard while house burns in the distance there's nothing else around in the housebut this graveyard must be close to some sort of settlement since it's not justfor one or two people it's almost as if this was on theoutskirts of town so we now have reason to believe that
well earlier on in the manga dance a hashis own flashback this once the death of his mother you want to know what's notable aboutthe scene virgil isn't present which seems to suggest that these twoflashbacks are actually going back to the same point in time let's also keep in mind that the boy'sfather the spotter had recently passed away as well so perhaps virtual was visiting hisfather's grave alone one day his brother mother still at the house when thedemons attacked and evil was killed but
that's just dirt wait no this is asmaller theory is part of the larger main theory ok i got it so these three scenesuggests that art was talking about eva's death which occurred 10 yearsbefore making the event of dmc 19 years at the dmv three okay now we're getting somewhere there'salso a normal piece from outside of the series itself when asked on twitter how old hisdancing was gd kamiya who only works on the first game responded with similar inage to cobra
no not that cobra this cobra start ofthe nineteen seventy-eight manga of the same name and one of the maininspirations for dentists character early on in the series cobra visit his own grave which martinwas 24 when he faked his death which was five years before the series startsmaking him 29 now keep in mind that this is not exactcome here specifically said similar in age part is pretty solid in for non theless and will be helpful later on to verify our findings so now we've managed to work out theamount of time between everything from
the death of dancers mother also theevents of the first game but the next step is working out whendmc4 takes place at the animes placement is reliant on the two games fall betweento work out a time frame of dnt for we need to look at one of those non-canonsauces the dmc for novelization see a lot of plants story elements with cockfrom bmc for during development perhaps the most important of which wasnew protagonist nero's mysterious link to dance his bloodline well the novel by the game scenariowriter after he left , reveals that narrow is actually the son of virgil thecommunity of these detailed remains
hotly debated amongst fans but for thesake of this timeline we need to assume that this particular detail is canon asthat was the time friend of developers had in mind when making the game ok i don't want to see rage was down inthe comments over whether or not virgil turned his blue orbs in two redones with a human makes sense with his character it totally doesn't by the way so ifvirgil is near or far though what does that mean for our timeline where else isvirgil is trapped in the demon world from the end of dmc3 up to the events ofthe first game where he dies
it's obvious that nero would have beenconceived prior to the third game since virgil would presumably spend more timewith our commander plant grew closer to fruition my guess is that virtual visit offortune shortly before or after first meeting argument the manga if notreceive in that year you will be bond closer to dmc3 than the manga it's also states that narrow and 4 isthe same age dante wasn't three if nero was born around three and histeam c 3 . is a joint for mt4 dante is double the each he was during three
so what do we know about dante's agentthese two games producer hiroyuki kobayashi has gone on record as sayingthat dante is in his teens join dnt three and in his thirties andapproaching 40 and dmt for approaching far to suggest somewhere between 37 39 with that information we now have topass we can take to work out the two ages first of all the dmc for novel suggestthat virtual partner's sexual escapades was a prostitute i'm sure can't comment want to provideany unfortunate implications related to
underage sex and with their provendesire to appeal to the american market i think it's safe to assume they wouldhave wanted to avoid a kerfuffle by not having virtual people over theage of consent anywhere in the us all us states age of consent between 16and 18 years old if he is 18 that allows virgil to be ofage all across the country while still being a teenage 19 journey and t3 the second method is to look over ourrange of dmc for ages since no specific pages are gears are ever given i thinkwe can assume that no characters ages would ever include a decimal pointinstead always being a full number or
put another way no current or whatever be considered 18and a half only 18 or 19 this means that near owndmc3 dante's ages must be four numbers doubling which always results in an evennumber on the only even number within that age ranges 38 both of these methods find one unanimousconclusion tmc3 dante's 19 years old and dmz fordan say is 38 years old but map i pretend to hear you ask what about the other piece ofinformation from one of the official
sources first of all well don't remember andafter all this time has passed since i mentioned it a second i think you have bigger problems and notknowing how or dante is if you didn't notice that you just called me map buttheir theorists philosophy will get you everywhere well earlier i cited the dmv for anorganization as a sauce despite its dubious canonicity but that novel alsomakes the claim that virtual visits of fortuna was sixteen to seventeen yearsbefore the mc for now while i accept the
relationship between the two is beingmostly can i don't accept this particular piece if virgil's they're 16to 17 years ago the narrow was bought almost a year later making him 15 to 16and i could maybe buy that you supposed to be 16 but that would mean that one if tmc3virtually heroes age then monger virtual busy a young with enough for the conception14 to 15 and his partner is said to have been a prostitute remember those age of consent laws andso don't believe that age would make be
empty for dante 32 32 now i can buy that dante can survivebeing impaled through the chest in almost every game but he does not looklike he's in his early thirties and dnt four so i'm inclined to disregard this onepiece and move on if we assume that much more reasonable ages i found then downton virgil and 19 dnt 3-1 year toreach 18 for the manga - another 10 to get eight when theirmother died plus 20 to get 28 your indian see one and double 19 to reach 38for dmc for looking at these numbers the
are consistent with what we have so far28 is about the same age as cobra was 2919 is considered a teenager wasdante's states to be in dnt 338 falls right in the middle of our nearly 40range from dnt four and a few decades sounds are equipped for 19 years and nowall of a sudden we're almost done now that we know dante is a joint dmc1and dmc4 we also know that there is a ten-year gap between the two whichallows us to try and place the enemy into our timeline for this i havegathered three clues to help us place the anime first of all counties were in his dmtone attire instead of his dmc4 outfit
suggestion the animaker is closer to onethen for saw somewhere within the first five years second after johnny don t is sharp atthe end of dmc one trip she got fed up with down to his attitude and gone solothis kind of relationship breakdown most likely took a while to occur so i wouldguess at least a year has passed since trace giant dancing and finally lady inthe series resembles her dmc3 farm rd mt fall lady has the last say kalina onisn't the only ballistic weapons parking 50ml i'm saying you are in moreprofessional terms her breasts and buttocks are filled out quite noticeablycompared to our original design
since her anime self resembles her dmc3teen self and yes she is a team her off in the manga is clearly a school uniform she isn't likely to blue not like thisin just a few short years as such i would give her as many yearsas possible to reach that level and since at least a year has passed sinceteams you want i would give her the full nine years togrow making down to 29 during the anime haha you won't find that level of thedoctrinal skill on death note is that something people talk about death notealways grab a snake just too old and out of touch with the kids these days
so what's left in our timeline just dmctwo in the second novel but there's really nothing about its place asidefrom its position and call by actually claiming dmt to is far after dmt for yousee virgil even with the key so far but dmt tomostly forget about them as well as what game design but i have managed to findsomething that will put the final two piece into place in our timeline puzzletake a quick look back at dante's ages throughout the series eight eighteennineteen twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty eight notice anything every time the lastdigit of dante's ages and pete something
of note occurs in his life if this part and holds then we cansafely assume that dmc to takes place when dante is 48 years old or does it that was my original conclusion back injune right fully compiled my findings but then i decided to try and finalizethe animes place in the timeline which left me with two ages were nine is thefinal digit so what if dante's actually fought to a teacher in the novel he hasa non mentioned birthday before the epilogue and is farting not enjoying itand dmc - so with that my final time line goes alittle something like this
2000b d a demon named sparta betrays hisown kind to protect humanity he defeats a demon king - in battle and spend thenext two millennia protecting humanity before settling down with the womannamed eva 0ad even gives birth to spot is twin suns virgil and dante 8adspotted eyes and the families attacked by demons eva is killed and the brothers areseparated 18 ad virgil meet our command the to beginwork on a plan to obtain power while out on a job dante lines of virgil is still alivevirtual visits the city of fortuna to
investigate the art of the sword arkham sacrifices his wife promptingtheir daughter married to become a demon hunter and seek revenge 19 ad narrows bona fortuna dante's timesto open a demon hunting business before virgil and harkins plants go into motionwith help from mary hartman virtually defeated down to obtain his father swordand virgil remains in the demon world where he challenges and is defeated bythe demon king dante opened his shop under the namedevil may cry 28 ad dante is visited by a demon namedtrish who resembles his mother she
informed him that modest was attemptingto return dante defeat his corrupted brother andthen the demon king himself trish giants dante and his partner 29ado trish briefly leaves devil may cry tobecome a solo demon hunter dante is hired to protect a young girlnamed party until the demons hounding her are killed 38 ad dante travels to fortuna to investigatethe art of the sword he fights against and alongside narrow and defeats theorder leaving virgil saw danny rose possessionfor safekeeping
48 ad dante was with a woman namedbarrel to stop a plot involving artifact known as the beasts heads 49 ad dante is hired by a huntress named luciato help stop the resurrection of the demon argos acts by the business mogul arias are you some diver sucks are bothkilled dante's last seen traveling deeper intothe demon world to possibly never return but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching welcome back to the super reason andargument but we're looking at the
devilishly beautiful babes of devil maycry which one is your favorite do you prefer the og dmc gal the leggybeauty trish are you may be looking for an exotic dark-skinned european girlclick here to vote for lucia do you have a thing for kick ass girlsschool uniforms then you'll want to vote for lady all doyou have a preference for more wholesome every girl like da offer some addedvariety maybe prefer girl with psychological issues like the rebootscats click here to cast your vote and assurestells why the best down in the comments just don't expect to get the resultanytime soon
this video is a nightmare to it and ihave newfound respect for running for making this look so easy granted i was probably doing everysingle thing wrong so there's that to consider anyway ihope you enjoyed the video and thanks for sitting through it despite my awfuldelivery here sorry about that maybe you'll want toclean your palate after this so why not check out some real game theory episodeslike this one on the mario timeline for the first three on five nights atfreddy's the next enough there is just around the corner so now is the perfecttime for a refresher
i have gotten a say so i'll just startnow
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