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    Trine Coloring Pages

    hey kids! today we are painting both thomas and hisbest friend percy!! what a great idea!! so, thomas goes first: i am taking a bluemarker. blue! and paint his main body! splendid! now it’s percy’s turn! we are taking green color for that! green!

    here let me use the red color. red! we will use this color to paint thomas’snumber 1 and bumpers of both trains. let’s add some yellow color. yellow. here and there. next we are taking a little of black color. black. let’s paint the roof and the pipes of ourtrains.

    a little bit of a grey color will be addednow. grey. it’s for the faces of thomas and percyand let’s not forget about the rails. look, we are using a bit of a brown colorhere. brown. the cross-ties are in this color. in the very end i will go ahead and add someother colors just to call it a day! well. it seems like this is it! you, guys, are just fantastic!

    thank you for watching! and subscribe to our wonderful and kind channel!!



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