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    Star Wars Coloring Pages

    welcome 2wd toys the bob guys it's great to see you againwelcome back hello kitty color me kitty small coloring book plush by wd toys we're going to have lots of fun todaylook today we have hello kitty collar me wow book includes two markersand read in a blue line a new collar the kiddie and when you'redone you just washer the marker washes rightof let's see the see if you just use wateri'm not really sure looks like you just use water wow let's open this up this looks cool

    perhaps she looks cute look at air she has a nice little pinkdress has pictures look here's her with themiles there's a squirrel aloha house and theback you have some of her friends his wannafor pig friends there's an pastor or not wow that sucks call she's so cute the sea the bottoms flat so she could stand up see she stands upwithout falling over let's see the markers it came with whilecame with the red and blue marker

    is looked for well i said let's start coloring but before we do at the end the showwe're gonna happen great my little pony %ah surprise egg made out of play dough hasa great surprise inside but and itself is so cool weighty see whatit is okay let's try this out first to a plot will give her a bigsmile

    had sorry i'm not the greatest artist in jefferson keith in all this this the state the kinda scary lookingthere sorry guys i we're creating a little halloweenmonster here well we had more t k now we get to read to you let's see they should meet some eyebrows

    what else can we draw we could trace hernose hooky color and hair ribbon here k of cud man if you want you could like color inthe latter's here so you got a hello kitty here thestreets in the letters this is fun there's a lot of things inthe change in this name is bring it to the bathroom a new of shit the start over again

    okay you could color in the heart still k are like this time the sea but is a little hello kitty here appeared the paid k in in too bad they don't give more collarsthis would be a lot of fun

    we had more colors but will have to stay with red and and what color hair ribbon lil and now it's usually pink but don'tgive us paint which is kinda surprising kissed herhello katy usually happy look at that that's prettycall the c-one now so you can color her dressto you her dress washes out till cast you could draw like parts in differentshapes onto her dress this straw diamond down here

    okay and what else he could color the score all if you can be funny i mean there's a lotto stop the pd lock you could give her a mustache hellokitty with the mustache about that color the heart around her i k power went out today have to color here allow a look at the back there's so manypictures you could collar you can have a lot of fun withthis

    when you're done is to rush it wow what she has a lot of friends on herdress in the back till fear if you have any younger kids needus wanna go crazy like that just callereverything like that and you just gonna wash it youth the okay i think i'm gonna go wash it showyou guys it washes right up see look at look howmany how many things we pollard have why

    i hope that really washes off because ifit does that thing we got a mess here okay i'm back and she's claim and she's good as newlook at her all that color we had on there is goneyou could tell she's wet but the nice thing yes the military altmade at a the inside did not soak up the water so you could dry it very quickly withthe tahoe and then continued wrong again as youcan see this is wet here and look at this okay i get it

    dry it a little better but it's still isstill picking up the caller but it is easy to dry sol that was a fun sat you can really becreative with this he could do a lot of things is really alot of pictures on her tick collar i'd like it okie what case s cool see who dis surprise a game is you're gonna like this a sheis really cool wow guys use your surprise eg

    its rarity my little pony rarity whileshe looks so cool look she has purple and blue braidedmain she's got a purple and blue braided hair she's got her diamond symbol she's gotwings and she's a unicorn while she looks so q i like that one and she brought you a great surprise a let's see what'sinside not a princess surprise egg wow i wannasee what's in here ok

    to another eg inside this one is all too little baby cinderella la i'll look cute she has well that's so cool all and she is koo is a ball i like that one in there was a little cup for her to goin it's the same color is her hair %uh she looks so cute in that cup she couldbarely see ya all you see is to liberalize people now

    ok guys i have lots of fun with you that i hope to see you soon hello kitty color me kitty small coloring book plush by wd toys



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