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    Rayman Raving Rabbids Coloring Pages

    hi guys chris here and today on this episodewe've got the rabbids mcdonalds happy meal toys how cool but before we do that don'tforget we're still playing the finding r2d2 game so let us know where you find him hiddenin this video in the comments below cool now lets check out number one which is the rascalrabbid we'll get him out of his packaging here and it says to turn him on and push hisbelly so we'll do that get him flipped on here push his belly his tongue sticks outand he makes a crazy noise how cool alright now lets check out numbertwo which is the tire spinning rabbid we'll rip him out of his package here how cool isthat with his little blue goggles and his tire so it says you push the back his tirespins so we'll have to check him out there's

    his tire theres the button alright numberthree the x-ry rabbid lets see what he does here so according to his paper we just turnhim on and flip the button and we'll see what he's got inside so we'll flip him on thereand lets see if his x-ray works looks like he had some octopus for dinner check thatout it's got his ribs in there how cool awesome how cool is that? alright now we're onto number four this isthe bwaah rabbid i don't know what that means but we're about to find out and accordingto his instructions we turn him on and we yank his ears and he'll scream you know i'dscream if you yanked my ears too so we'll go ahead and flip him on and see what he doeshow cool is that awesome now we're onto toy

    number five this is the ninja rabbid ninja,ninja,ninja alright so got the ninja out and it says you windup this little toilet plungerthing and you let it go pretty simple he's all dressed in black like a ninja he's goingto attack with his plunger ninja plunger wind it up again i am the ninja with the plungerfear my plunger i will kill you's with my plungers how awesome a ninja rabbid you knowi don't know what kinda damage he's gonna do with a plunger but he's a ninja i'm surehe'll figure something out ninja awesome cool lets check out number six which is tv rabbidalright so lets rip this package open little rabbid with his head stuck in the televisionsays flip his ears back and forth and he'll do face changes i guess i don't know letscheck it out so when you flip the ears back

    and forth it changes the picture on the tvhow cool and his big blue tv changing his faces really cool looking tv with of courserabbit ears most of you are too young to even know what rabbit ears are i don't know whytheir putting them threw the tv like that but hey what ever rabbit ears and number sevenis wobble rabbid wobble, wobble, wobble we'll get it out of the package here and apparentlyyou just shake the living daylights out of this thing and it does something alright letssee what it does alright so when you shake him his ears move he makes that crazy noisehis arms move so you just shake this rabbid and make him go all crazy alright crazy nowonto our last rabbid this is launching octopus rabbid so we'll get him out of the bag getthe octopus out of the bag and see what they

    say so apparently you jam this octopus onhis head you push a button and the octopus flys off alright so here's our rabbid there'sthe button on the back and the hole on his head which you can see right there and there'sour octopus let me get him out of the the bags open alrighty then so there's our octopusall cool red so no we're not gonna stick it in that end we're gonna turn him over andyou hear it snap into place there and wow lets try that again lets get the ninja andalright we got the ninja how cool alright guys well that's it for our rabbids mcdonaldshappy meals toys let us know what your favorite one was in the comments below and speakingof comments great job taylor on finding r2d2 in our last episode you guys are so greatat that game keep on playing and we will see

    you next time bye guys



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